By accepting this COVID-19 Emerging Artist Relief Residence (the “Residence”), and in consideration for the artist’s participation in the relief residency, Artist and Tenant under agreement with Boyd’s Station (referred to in these Guidelines as the “artist” or “creative resident”) agrees to the following terms and conditions.
The artist commits and promises to develop a particular body of work at Boyd’s Station during a specific and defined time period with a clear expectation of achieving an exhibition quality collection of work and a completion of work to further a sustainable career in the arts. The artist acknowledges that he or she has read, understands, and agrees to the Boyd’s Station’s RELEASE, WAIVER of LIABILITY, AND LICENSE provided along with these guidelines.
The artist agrees to the following in connection with his or her accepting the COVID-19 Emerging Artist Relief Residence at Boyd’s Station, with specifics to be agreed mutually by both artist and Boyd’s Station.
COVID-19 Emerging Artist Relief Residence agrees to participation of a minimum of any five nonconsecutive days per week.
Create daily social content of participation in COVID-19 Emerging Artist Relief Residence via Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and other means.
Allow Boyd’s Station full and unlimited use of creative content produced during this residency for promotion and publication. (Boyd’s Station Release, Waiver of Liability, and License for Boyd's Station Programs-6. License of Rights in Works)
The artist will reasonably cooperate with Boyd’s Station to provide the foregoing in a manner that is satisfactory to Boyd’s Station.
By accepting the COVID-19 Emerging Artist Relief Residence at Boyd’s Station, the artist agrees as follows:
To attend a Boyd’s Station welcome and safety orientation to be administered by Boyd’s Station on day one of COVID-19 Emerging Artist Relief Residence.
An initial 2-week self-isolation on arrival in Harrison County if required by State of Kentucky at time of residence.
Artists required to follow established guidelines regarding KY workplace safety.
PPE and other health and safety measures shall be utilized when mandated by local and state authority.
Absolute limits to visitors in Boyd, Kentucky and to all living and workspaces. No guests will be permitted in housing or studio spaces while taking part in a creative residence.
The artist will abide by all local, state, and federal laws during the COVID-19 Emerging Artist Relief Residence. Any creative residency may be cancelled immediately for inappropriate behavior, serious disregard for safety, or failure to comply with Boyd’s Station regulations.
Pets are only permitted with prior approval of Boyd’s Station.
Facilities and structures at Boyd’s Station are 100% smoke free.
The artist must ensure a cooperative and non-hostile live-work environment. Contributing to an environment which hinders other Boyd’s Station residents or staff’s ability to conduct business or personal pursuits free from fear, intimidation or harm is cause for terminating the artist’s COVID-19 Emerging Artist Relief Residence immediately.
Utility costs (water, heat, electricity) are provided and paid by Boyd’s Station.
Artists will need to have their own transportation, and no transportation will be provided in connection with the project by Boyd’s Station.
Boyd’s Station staff or Owner (Clifford Craig Heritage) of Boyd’s Station utilized properties and facilities shall enter the primary residence living residences ONLY for inspection of “the house” between 8 am and 7 pm after giving 24 hours’ notice, or with the artist’s consent given at any time of entry, or in an emergency, for repairs and maintenance from 8 am to 7 pm.
The artists will make NO renovation, redecoration, or alterations, intentionally or carelessly damage or permit damage to the house or studio space, and artists will be financially liable for any costs for repair of non-authorized or non-permitted renovation, redecoration, alterations or intentional/careless damage.
Artists will refrain from disturbing the neighbors or community while maintaining safe social distancing and safety measures.
Artists will be responsible for their health and well-being and all expenses relating to health needs. (Boyd’s Station Release, Waiver of Liability, and License for Boyd's Station Programs-5. Medical Treatment.)
Cover their own living costs and provide their own food and replenish supplies themselves as needed.
Be self-sufficient and bring with them any tools, materials or equipment they need.
Keep the residence and studio spaces clean and tidy.
Use the residential house for residential purposes only. No guests will be permitted in housing or studio spaces during while taking part in a creative residence.
Provide own cellphone if desired. Cellphone coverage and service is limited in this rural area, which the artist acknowledges and understands.
Inform Boyd’s Station as soon as possible of any damage to the house of residence or studio spaces in need of repairs.
Live and work full time in the house and studio spaces throughout the term of this agreement.
Acknowledge Boyd’s Station in any work the artist may publish, create or produce as a result of the residency, and provide Boyd’s Station with copies of such work(s) upon the end of the program under the licenses required and agreed to under the “Release, Waiver of Liability, and License for Boyd’s Station Programs,” which resident acknowledges that he or she has read, understands, and agrees to.
Grant Boyd’s Station the right to use the artist’s name, likeness, images of and extracts from, the artist’s work created during the term of this agreement, for use in any publicity, reports or projects of Boyd’s Station.
Agree that, due to the uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic in the coming months, if conditions become unsafe or due to the future State of Kentucky and CDC mandates, Boyd’s Station reserves the right to cancel or postpone current or future residences at any time due to safety concerns.
Return all sets of keys to the agent(s) of Boyd’s Station upon the expiration or earlier termination of the artist’s residency agreement.
Ensure that the following has been done before the expiration of the residency agreement or before vacating the Property in accordance with the lease agreement:
All washable surfaces are clean and the studio spaces are in the order, and tidy as you found it.
All appliances are working and clean.
All light bulbs work.
Outside is clean and swept.
Be responsible for any loss or damage in accordance with the lease agreement and applicable law.
Leave the house and its grounds clean and tidy and clear of any rubbish and remove all possessions of artist at the end of the expiration of the term of or earlier termination of this agreement.
Within 5 days of the expiration of the term of this agreement (or before earlier termination, as applicable), the artist will provide a written evaluation of the creative residency sent to Boyd’s Station Executive Director Jack Gruber at the email address of Boyd’s Station welcomes any ideas, questions or critique that will support our future growth and development.
At the completion of the creative residency, both parties will sign off on the condition of the Property after a property inspection to be conducted with a staff member of Boyd’s Station or other person designated by Boyd’s Station.
At conclusion of the creative residency participation, artists will have provided to Boyd’s Station all images, captions and information relating to all works and media content created by the photographer during the creative residency.
I, (artist) understand fully and agree to the above terms and conditions and I also acknowledge I have read, agreed to all terms and conditions in the Boyd’s Station RELEASE, WAIVER OF LIABILITY, AND LICENSE FOR BOYD’S STATION PROGRAMS agreement in addition to this agreement.