Harrison County, Kentucky
The inaugural 2018 Dawn to Dusk Challenge
What started out as a friendly photo challenge among the 2018 Boyd's Station Reinke Grant for Visual Storytelling recipients Arden Barnes and Michael Swensen and friends has grown into the annual Boyd's Station Dawn to Dusk Challenge.
The original concept by Michael and Arden was to invite friends to come to Harrison County for a friendly photo shoot-out. That idea morphed into the Boyd's Station competition with a theme announced just hours before the event for the student photographers to interpret - in their own visual essay and words. The poem “Where I’m From” by Kentucky poet laureate George Ella Lyon was the announced them in 2018.
The 2019 Boyd’s Station Dawn to Dusk Challenge theme “Today” was announced to the invited student photographers and Boyd’s Station Reinke Grant recipients and Mary Withers Fellow at 9PM on Friday, July 12, 2019 inviting them to document and interpret the announced theme during a 24-hour period on Saturday, July 13, 2019 with a public judging of the submissions by a group of visiting professionals at Rohs Opera House in Cynthiana, Kentucky on Sunday, July 14, 2019.
The challenge theme that will is the basis of the competition is announced to participants on Friday at 9PM via email to all registered participants just hours prior to the start of the 24 hour competition starting on Saturday.
There is NO contest entry fee to participate.
The time period to interpret the theme begins at 12:01AM, Saturday, lasting for a 24 hour time period ending at 11:59PM on Saturday.
Photographs can only be taken during this time period.
All photos must be taken in Harrison County, Kentucky.
10 images max and a 250 word (or less) theme interpretation must be submitted to Boyd’s Station by 8AM on Sunday.
Photos must be saved at a resolution of 300 dpi or larger and the longest dimension must be at least 15 inches.
All photos must be fully captioned in the IPTC field.
Submissions - (photos and words) - must be sent to dawntodusk@boydsstation.com before the 8AM deadline on Sunday morning.
The interpretation highlighting each participant’s photo essay (250 words or less) must be saved as .doc file. (text style Helvetica - font size 14) and attached to submission email.
All photos MUST be in color and NO CONVERSION to black and white will be accepted.
FULL FRAME ONLY - No cropping of final images.
No borders added in post on final edits.
One image per final edited frame.
All cameras must be set to correct local time.
Rohs Opera House, 133 E Pike St, Cynthiana, KY 41031
1st Place - $300 - Stephanie Amador
2nd Place - $200 - Nathaniel Bailey
3rd Place - $100 - Michael Johnson
Best of Show Image - Prize - Michael Johnson
Best of Show Words - Prize - Michael Swensen
2019 Dawn to Dusk judging at the Rohs Opera House